Intro to Channeling with Brenda Seldin
COST: $95 Must be prepaid
Bring Light Lunch
Innervision Wellness Center
1661 Little Britain Road
Rock Tavern, NY 12575
Ph: 845-496-1513 Cell: 845-542-0110
In this workshop you will learn and practice the basics of channeling. When inviting in a Spirit Guide to work with you, it is important to understand the basic concepts of grounding, protection, and fluid openness. The balance of all three characteristics will set the stage for you to receive a deep connection with a Guiding Spirit. From there you will meet your Spirit Guide and have the opportunity to receive channeled information from them. There will be solo and group channeling exercises that build on each other culminating in participants receiving messages for themselves, other participants, and in the end, for the group!